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Client Testimonials

How Can The Baby Calmer Help?The Baby Calmer offers a unique range of clinic, telephone, email, skype and in-home services, to provide safe, gentle, emotion focussed approaches, practical guidance, effective solutions and therapeutically nurturing support, to parents of infants, toddlers and young children who are seeking assistance with one or more of the following:
Please click on the toolbar at the top of the page titled 'The Baby Calmer's Services' for a more comprehensive overview. Click here to learn how to arrange your COMPLIMENTARY, personalised, 45-minute, introductory telephone consultation with The Baby Calmer ... TODAY!
NO Controlled Crying - Guaranteed!Clients can be assured that The Baby Calmer will NEVER recommend, teach or use any forms of controlled crying, controlled comforting, comfort settling, responsvie settling, spaced soothing, self-settling, self soothing or any other ignoring strategies when working with families. The Baby Calmer DOES NOT TEACH SLEEP TRAINING to parents. Rather, The Baby Calmer offers an emotion-focused, therapeutic sleep support service. Any practitioner with an appropriate understanding of the workings of the mother-infant attachment and bonding process, the neuropsychobiology of infant development and the impact of early trauma, would never recommend any form of ‘sleep training techniques’ to parents. Although the idea behind cry-it-out, controlled crying, controlled comforting, spaced soothing, comfort settling or responsive settling is to teach babies to learn how to to ‘self-settle’ or ‘self-soothe’ themselves to sleep, what parents aren’t being told by ‘sleep trainers’ is not only are these sleep training methods harmful to infant and early years development, but also, that babies need and rely on external regulation and support from caregivers to help them to sleep, especially during the first three years of life. The Baby Calmer's professional philosophies and approaches to supporting and guiding parents and their babies, toddlers and young children are very much based on over a decade of university training, further post grad study and professional development, sound research, attachment theory, emotion-focused and therapeutic frameworks, and current insights into best practice for infant and early years development and the mother-infant attachment and bonding process. As such, a strong focus is placed on supporting, fostering and preserving both the attachment process as well as the physical and emotional bonding and connection that occurs between parents and their baby, toddler or young child. A baby, toddler or young child's cry is ALWAYS worthy of a caregiver's immediate response. No baby, toddler or young child is ever left alone to cry when working with The Baby Calmer. It simply won't happen ... GUARANTEED! | |
The Baby Calmer's Sleep CentreThe Baby Calmer's Sleep Centre provides a more economical option for parents who feel comfortable exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of facilitating 'Gentle, Peaceful, Therapeutic Sleep" for their baby, toddler or young child in a therapeutically educational setting, whilst independently implementing their learnings once they return to their own home environment.
Day Stay - "Sleep Well" Consultations at The Baby Calmer's Sleep Centre are currently available Monday to Saturday. "Sleep Well" half day consultations (up to 4 hours commencing at 9.30 am or 1.30 pm) are available for parents of newborns (birth to 12 weeks) and full day consultations are available fo parents of newborns and all other age babies, toddlers and young children (approximately 6-8 hours, commencing at 9.30 am). Overnighters and Residential Retreat Support Packages are available for mothers and babies outside of the Brisbane area, or for those who are seeking more intensive support. Click here to learn more ... |
The Baby Calmer's Newborn ClinicThe Baby Calmer's Newborn Clinic caters for parents and babies aged from birth to twelve weeks, and is available as a half or full day-stay clinic visit, a residential overnighter or extended retreat package, a six hour in-home consultation or via extended in-home support packages, hospital to home support packages, or as a skype and/or telephone consultation. The Baby Calmer's Newborn Clinic services can be tailored to meet your individual needs. The Baby Calmer's Newborn Clinic provides therapeutic support and resolution to the following issues: Newborn Sleep Challanges
Attachment and Bonding Disruption
Inconsolable Crying
Breast and Bottle Feeding Rejection
Car Seat Crying
Separation Anxiety
PTSD/Postnatal Depression
Additional Newborn Clinic Services Include: Birth Story Listening and Birth Story Healing - for Parents, Babies and Professionals
Prenatal, Perinatal, Postnatal and Birth Trauma Counselling and Support - for Parents, Babies, Toddlers and Young Children
Pre and Postnatal Depression Counselling
Infant Massage Classes.
... click here to learn more. | |
Calm ConnectionsGentle Parenting Support and Mentoring Group for New Mothers: Are you a new mother who is seeking support, mentoring and companionship? Look no further than Calm Connections! Facilitated by The Baby Calmer aka Anne Thistleton (BEd MREd MCouns), Calm Connections is a 'Mother's Support and Mentoring Group' that aims to meet the needs of new mothers who are seeking companionship, support and mentoring within a gentle parenting framework. Next 'Calm Connections' ... T.B.A ... read more |