45 minutes for FREE

Please click here to learn about my FREE 45 minute INTRODUCTORY CONSULTATION,
and why I believe it is essential to offer them ...

Client Testimonials

Please  click here to read a sample of the testimonials The Baby Calmer has received from recent clients.
The Baby Calmer's Services

The Baby Calmer offers a unique range of clinic, telephone, email, skype and in-home services, to provide safe, gentle, emotion focussed approaches, practical guidance, effective solutions and therapeutically nurturing support, to parents of infants, toddlers and young children who are seeking assistance with one or more of the following:

  • an infant, toddler or young child’s sleep challenges - such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, multiple night wakings, disorganised sleep patterns, nightmares, night terrors, head banging and/or body rocking, fear of sleep,  fear of sleep space, day and/or night separation issues;
  • an inconsolable (crying), fussy, colicky, unsettled, reflux or high needs baby, breast and/or bottle feeding rejection, car travelling issues, separation anxiety:
  • a toddler or young child’s behaviour challenges – such as sibling rivalry, new baby jealousy, tantrums, biting, hitting, head banging, whinging, aggression;
  • counselling services for parents affected by the impact of a traumatic or unexpected birth experience, pre and post-natal depression, PTSD;
  • individual, family or parenting support, education, counselling and/or mentoring services.