45 minutes for FREE

Please click here to learn about my FREE 45 minute INTRODUCTORY CONSULTATION,
and why I believe it is essential to offer them ...

Client Testimonials

Please  click here to read a sample of the testimonials The Baby Calmer has received from recent clients.
Contact Us


PO Box 627
Mt Ommaney


E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Telephone: 0420 942 256


Information: To contact me by phone, please call between 8 am and 9 pm Monday to Friday or 8 am and 4 pm on Saturday. If I am unavailable when you call, please ensure that you leave a detailed message on my answering service. Some home telephone numbers show up as a 'private number' on my mobile phone which makes it impossible for me to return a 'missed call'.

As most in-home appointments are of approximately 8 hours duration, and can sometimes be at 'odd' hours of the day and night, please be patient awaiting my return call. If you provide a mobile telephone number, I can usually send a text message to you at some point during the day, to arrange a time for us to catch up by phone. If email is a preferable form of contact, I do check my emails several times a day.
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