45 minutes for FREE

Please click here to learn about my FREE 45 minute INTRODUCTORY CONSULTATION,
and why I believe it is essential to offer them ...

Client Testimonials

Please  click here to read a sample of the testimonials The Baby Calmer has received from recent clients.
About Anne Thistleton Counselling

Anne Thistleton Counselling is an infant, child, adult, parenting, family and relationships counselling service, which offers the following modalities, for adults, teenagers, children and babies:

  • Clinical Birth Trauma Therapy
  • Play Therapy
  • Synergetic Play Therapy
  • Somatic Play Therapy
  • Filial Therapy
  • Sandplay Therapy and Symbolwork
  • Expressive Therapies
  • Bonding Therapy
  • Breastfeeding Therapy
  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Somatic Touch Therapy - TST & SRR
  • Transforming Touch TEB
  • Transforming Intentional Touch
  • NeuroAffective Touch
  • Craniosacral Therapy for babies, children and adults
  • Brainspotting
  • Brainspotting for Children
  • Interactive Drawing Therapy
  • Movingness
  • Clinical Aromatherapy
  • Nutritional Medcine - Mental Health
  • Parenting Support and Education (including HUG Your Baby, Circle of Security, Bringing Baby Home)
  • Somatic Sleep Support - for infants, toddlers, children, teenagers and adults
Anne Thistleton Counselling also offers the following parenting courses:
  • Somatic Sleep Support
  • The HUG Your Baby Program
  • Gottman Bring Baby Home Program
  • Gottman Emotion Coaching Program
  • The Circle of Security Program
  • Infant Massage Lessons

Anne Thistleton Counselling focuses on supporting clients who present with the follow concerns:

Infants, Children and Adolescents Aged birth to 17 years:

Birth trauma, sleep distrubances and / or challenges, fears, nightmares,  anxiety, crying a lot, unexplained clingy behaviour, PTSD, developmental trauma, depression, self-esteem issues, aggression / acting out, ADD/ADHD, grief and loss issues, relationship issues - family, peers, school, school issues - bullying, social, behavioural, learning difficulties.

Adults Aged 18+:

Depression - including pre and post-natal depression, Birth Trauma, PTSD, developmental trauma, anxiety and depression, Self-esteem issues, relationship issues, communication issues, grief and loss issues, parenting concerns, workplace bullying and harassment.

Anne Thistleton Counselling also provides birth debriefing for birthing professionals, new mothers / parents, along with on-going post-natal counselling and support.

My Location & Contact Details:

Anne Thistleton Counselling rooms are located in Sadliers Crossing, Ipswich - approximately 40 minutes drive from the Brisbane CBD. 

Anne Thistleton Counselling also offers somatic sleep support, counselling sessions and parenting support via Home Visiting and Zoom.

In-home parenting support, somatic sleep support and counselling sessions are available within the general Ipswich and Brisbane West / South West / city and surrounding areas.  A travel fee will apply, with a minimum double session engagement required.

You can contact Anne Thistleton Counselling by phoning: 0420 942 256

As my rooms are located within my home, I do not provide my specific address until all initial session confirmation processes are complete.  This is in order to maintain my personal privacy and the privacy of my neighbours.

Child / Adult / Relationship Sessions - Clinic and Zoom Appointment Availability:

Single Sessions:

Wednesday -  4.00 pm (clinic or zoom)  5.30 pm (zoom only)  7.00 pm (zoom only) and  8.30 pm (zoom only)
Saturday -  8.00 am (clinic or zoom)  9.30 am (clinic or zoom)  11.00 am (clinic or zoom)  1.00 pm (clinic or zoom)  2.30 pm (clinic or zoom) 
Double Sessions, Half Day Sessions, Full Day Sessions:
Tuesday to Saturday - by arrangement
Initial sessions, double sessions, half day and full day sessions, as well as intensive therapeutic retreats are available by arrangment, and depending on mutual availability, can be scheduled from Tuesday to Saturday or if the Wednesday and Saturday session times above are available, a Wednesday or Saturday session booking can be made. 

Please note ... I will attempt to schedule your sessions as closely as I can to your preferred day and time.  However, some of these times may already be prebooked (in advance) by regular clients.  It is highly recommended that clients prebook at least six sessions in advance, to maintain their preferred session time.


Children - Birth to 17 years:

Introductory Consultation: 

FREE of charge.  Available for 45 minutes, via telephone only.  No appointment is necessary as phonecalls are accepted on an availability basis only.  Please phone when you have 45 minutes available to talk with me ... and if I answer when you call ... I also have 45 minutes available to talk with you too!!!  You can also facilitate this process via email if you prefer.

Initial Intake Appontment Session for Parents:

Prior to working with children, I require parents to participate in an intitial intake appointment and session, to discuss and process their concerns with me. The purpose of this intake appointment and session is for me to gain a more detailed history of your child, as well as some background information regarding the presenting concerns, including how they may be impacting your parenting and your own well-being ... and to co-create your child's therapeutic goals.  There may be time left in the initial intake appointment for parents to experience the therapeutic modalities that their children will be accessing. 

I do also recommend that parents  participate in their own onging therapeutic process, personal sessions, personal development or receive ongoing parenting support while their child is receiving therapeutic support - however this is a recommendation, and is not a requirement for me to work therapeutically with your child. 

Initial Intake Appointment and Parent Session (Clinic or Zoom): 

Weekdays:    $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:       $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

After Hours:    $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below) - zoom only

The initial intake appointment and parent session (attended by parents only) includes undertaking a detailed intake process, and an initial meeting / session with parents.  Please allow approximately 2.5 hours for this initial session.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are seeking to have your child present at an initial parent meeting / session (there may be a therapeutic / clinical reason where this is necessary and has been agreed to) ... the fees for this differ, and are the same as the couples / relationships rates listed below.

Child Initial and Ongoing Sessions (Clinic):

One-off single sessions are not initailly available for children.  It is not of therapeutic benefit to children, to introduce them to and open them up to a therapeutic process that may not continue after their first session.  The five session minimum for children, is implemented as a safety and protective factor for all child clients.

Initial series of five Wednesday single sessions $825 (full, non-refundable prepayment required) and to be completed within six weeks - plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below).

Initial series of five Saturday sessions $925.00 (full, non-refundable prepayment required) and to be completed within six weeks - plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below).

I will give you my best estimate regarding the number of sessions your child may need, at your intake appointment, and again, after every fifth session.  A typical guide for children's sessions is that children often require between 20 to 30 weekly or fortnightly sessions, to resolve general issues.  For complex issues, 30 to 50 weekly or fotnightly sessions may be required.

After the initial five sessions, clients can either select another series of five prepaid (non-refundable) single sessions at the discounted rate of $725 for Wednesday sessions or $825 for Saturday sessions (which must be completed within eight weeks) ... or ... pay a higher rate for casual sessions booked anytime after the initial five sessions.

Wednesday:    $165.00  per 45 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:        $185.00 per 45 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Child Initial and Ongoing Sessions (Zoom):

One-off single sessions are not initailly available for children.  It is not of therapeutic benefit to children, to introduce them to and open them up to a therapeutic process that may not continue after their first session.  The five session minimum for children, is implemented as a safety and protective factor for all child clients.

Initial series of five Wednesday sessions $725.00 with full, non-refundable prepayment required, and to be completed within six weeks - plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below).

Initial series of five Saturday or after hours sessions $825.00 (full, non-refundable prepayment required) and to be completed within six weeks - plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

I will give you my best estimate regarding the number of sessions your child may need, at your intake appointment, and again, after every fifth session.  A typical guide for children's sessions is that children often require between 20 to 30 weekly or fortnightly sessions, to resolve general issues.  For complex issues, 30 to 50 weekly or fortnightly sessions may be required.

After an initial five sessions, clients can either select another series of five prepaid (non-refundable) single sessions at the discounted rate of $625  for Wednesday sessions, or $725 for Saturday sessions (which must be completed within eight weeks) ... or ... pay a higher rate for casual sessions booked anytime after the initial five sessions.   

Wednesday:   $145.00 per 45 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:      $165.00 per 45 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

After Hours (7pm onwards):  $165.00 per 45 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)


  • If a child requests or requires that the accommpanying parent attend their session, the parent will be an active participant in the session, and the role of the play therapist will shift to that of a therapeutic coach.
  • If one or both parents wish to attend a pareenting support session with their child, the relationships session timeframe and fee structure is applied.  Please see the overview below.


Complimentary Parenting Support:  

Complimentary parenting support is offered to parents between sessions, via texting or email, on a fair and reasonable use basis.
 Complimentary parenting support is not a replacement for sessions, and plays a supportive role only.
Complimentary parenting support is available during the immediate seven day period following your child's session, or your individual, couple's or parenting session.

This option provides parents with an opportunity to share and work towards resolving their parenting concerns, and receive gentle, supportive, nurturing, therapeutically sound strategies, based on safe, emotion-focused frameworks, with which to support their child's ongoing therapeutic process.

Adults 18+:

Introductory Consultation:       

FREE of charge.  Available for 45 minutes, via telephone only.

Initial Intake Appointment and Session (Clinic or Zoom): 

Weekdays:    $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:       $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

After Hours:    $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below) ... zoom only

Please allow approximately 2.5 hours for your initial intake appointment and session

Adult Ongoing Sessions (Clinic):

Wednesday:    $165.00 per 75 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:        $185.00 per 75 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Packages:     Adults can also choose to book and prepay for a series of five face to face sessions for a discounted (non-refundable) fee of $725.00 for Wednesdays, or $825.00 for Saturdays (to be completed within an eight week period) - plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below).

Adult Ongoing Sessions (Zoom):

Wednesday:    $145.00 per 75 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:        $165.00 per 75 minute session plus Paypal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

After Hours (7 pm onwards):    $165.00 per 75 minute session plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Packages:     Adults can also choose to book and prepay for a series of five zoom sessions for a discounted (non-refundable) fee of $625.00 for weekdays, or $725 for Saturday or after hours (to be completed within an eight week period) - plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below).

Couples / Relationships - including couples, parent and child, siblings, friends / families:

Introductory Consultation:   

FREE of charge.  Available for 45 minutes, via telephone only.

Initial Intake Appointment and Session (Clinic or Zoom):

Weekdays:      $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:        $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

After Hours:    $295.00 plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below) ... zoom only

Please allow approximately 2.5 hours for your initial intake appointment and session.

Ongoing Sessions (Clinic):

Weekdays:     $330.00 approximately 2.5 hours plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:        $365.00 approximately 2.5 hours plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Ongoing Sessions (Zoom):

Weekdays:      $295.00 approximately 2.5 hours plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

Saturday:        $330.00 approximately 2.5 hours plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

After Hours (7 pm onwards):    $330.00 approximately 2.5 hours plus PayPal fee if paying via credit card (see below)

*** Before proceeding with further couple's / relationship or family therapy sessions, a recommendation for individual therapy sessions may be offered. 

 Post Session Considerations: 

Try to schedule some time immediately afterwards (either at home or in an alternate space) to allow for relaxation and the integration of session material for your child and/or for yourself.

From time to time, clients may experience a continued emergence of feelings immediately or some time after the session or in the days following. If there are any significant changes that are worrying to you, please make contact with me via text or email to discuss your concerns.Be aware of changes in your child(ren), and respond with closeness, understanding, support, emotional safety and security. Please make contact with me via text or email if you have any questions or concerns.


As an adult, the content of your appointment is confidential, except in circumstances required by law.

Children are afforded the same right to confidentiality as adults.

The boundaries of confidentiality will be explained to you or your child during your / their first session.

Payment, Cancellation & Late Arrival Policy:

  • A non-refundable, pre-payment (in full) is required to confirm all initial sessions (via credit card or direct deposit).  Credit card payments (via Paypal) or direct deposit payments must be received by close of business, on the same day the appointment for the initial session was made

  • PayPal Fees: An additional fee of:

$5 up to $150 ... $10 from $150 up to $200 ... $15 from $200 up to $300 ... $20 from $300 up to $500 ... $25 from $500 up to $800 ... $30 from $800 up to $1000.  Fees above $1000 can be quoted prior to payment.

  • Session Confirmation:  If your confirmation payment is not received by close of business on the same day that the appointment was made, the reserved appointment will be automatically cancelled, and another appointment time will need to be booked.  I do not send out reminders for initial session confirmation payments. 
  • If, due to an emergency situation or unexpected illness, an initial session needs to be rescheduled, I offer one rescheduling without any forfeiting of the non-refundable prepayment.  A rescheduled session must be re-booked and attended within 30 days of the original session date. Sessions can be rescheduled to occur via face to face, or via zoom.  From time to time, there may be extenuating circumstances where I may allow a longer period for rescheduling, and that decision will be at my discretion.  However, no refund will be provided.

  • Fees for all future sessions are processed at the completion of the session.  This includes cash, direct deposit and credit card payments. 
  • Pre-payment (in full, non-refundable) and pre-booked sessions are required for all special offers. 

  • Anne Thistleton Counselling asks that clients respect the time and costs involved in specifically setting aside an appointment for them, and where possible, to provide advanced notice of an inabiltiy to attend.

  • Generally speaking, I do not charge for one-off cancellations, provided they are offered within a reasonable time frame. I understand that sudden illness and emergency situations can arise unexpectedly.  However, if a pattern of repeated cancellations were to occur, a full, non-refundable, pre-payment will then be requested to confirm all future sessions. 
  • All clients receive a session reminder (via text message, email or facebook messaging, depending on your unique communication forum) within 24 - 48 hours of their alloted session time.  Failure to reply to your reminder message, and confirm your attendance, may result in your session being reassigned to a waitlisted client.  It is essential that you reply to your session reminder message. 
  • If an emergency or unexpected illness should arise, that will prevent you from attending your scheduled session, it is essential that you let me know as soon as possible.  Last minute cancellations add additional costs to my practice, which inevitably results in increased fees ... and ... also prevents waitlisted clients from being notified of or accessing newly available session times.  Please be considerate of others when giving notice of your inability to attend your session.  
  • If, on the rare occasion, Anne Thistleton is unavailable to facilitate an appointment, due to illness or circumstances beyond her control, clients will be notified as quickly as possible, and re-scheduling will be offered at the earliest availability.

  • Unfortunately, appointment times cannot be extended to accommodate late arrivals, as this impinges upon the appointment times of subsequent clients.  Regardless of the amount of limited time utilised during a delayed session, the full fee will still be charged for the allotted time that was set aside.  If I arrive late to your session (via zoom or home visiting) or if I am running late in my rooms ... you will receive the full session time that you have booked.